Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Korean Pastor Sees Heaven and Hell - Do only 1 in 1000 make it to heaven?

This Revelation was Given By A Korean Pastor Who Experienced Death at one point in his life and was able to have a glimpse into eternity. The Revelation is so powerful and Life Transforming. Doubts Might Arise from the fact of how true this might be but you need to judge the revelation with the word of GOD to see if most of the truths in it are written in the Bible. Take the Time to read through this. God Bless.

Heaven and Hell:
A Thousand to One
By Rev. Park, Yong Gyu.

In 1987, Reverend Park had died from high blood pressure. But by the grace of God, his life was extended for another 20 years. However, for the first four years, he was not able to speak due to his condition. He was about 50 years old when he had come back to life. During his death, the Lord showed him to Heaven and Hell.
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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Colonel’s Word will Stand -By Colonel Hardress

During my military service in India, in those stirring times of mutiny and murder, I had in my regiment a little bugler. I had often noticed him as being too fragile and delicate for the life he had to lead; but he was born in the regiment, and we were bound to make the best of him. His father, as brave a man as ever lived, had been killed in action; his mother, broken-hearted, had just drooped, and died six months after.

About two years later, when Willie Holt was fourteen, the regiment was bivouacking some miles from the camp. Before we had been out a fortnight several acts of insubordination had been brought to my notice, and I had pledged to make an example of the very next offense by having the culprit flogged. One night the targets were thrown down and otherwise mutilated. On investigation, the rascally act was traced to the men in the very tent were Willie Holt was billeted, two of them being the worst characters in the regiment. The whole lot were instantly put under arrest, and tried by court martial, when enough evidence was produced that one of the prisoners was guilty of the crime. None would own up to being the guilty one and at last I spoke: “If any one of you who slept in No.4 tent last night will come forward and take his punishment like a man, the rest will get off free; but if not, there remains no other alternative but to punish you all – each man in turn to receive ten strokes of the cat.

For the space of a couple of minutes, dead silence followed then, from the midst of the prisoners, where his slight form had been almost hidden, Willie Holt came forward. He advanced to within a couple of yards from where I sat; his face was pale, a fixed intensity of purpose stamped on every line of it, and his steadfast eyes met mine. “Colonel,” said he, “you have passed your word that if any one of those who slept in No. 4 tent last night comes forward to take the punishment the rest shall get off Scot-free. I am ready, sir; and May I take it now?

For a moment I was speechless, so utterly was I taken by surprise; then, in a fury of anger and disgust, I turned upon the prisoners. “Is there no man among you worthy of the name? Are you all cowards enough to let this lad suffer for your wrong acts? For that he is guiltless you must know as well as I.” But sullen and silent they stood.

Then I turned to the boy, whose patient, pleading eyes were fixed on my face, and never in all my life have I found myself so painfully situated. I knew my word must stand, and the lad knew it, too, as he repeated once more, “I am ready, sir.” Sick at heart, I gave the order, and he was led away for punishment.

Bravely he stood, with back bared, as one- two-three- strokes descended. At the fourth, a faint moan escaped his white lips, and ere the fifth fell a hoarse cry burst from the group of prisoners who had been forced to witness the scene, and
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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Little Highland Hero

In the north of Scotland, where the main railway line crosses a great ravine or gully - a fearful looking abyss - the viaduct that bridged it was one of the wonders of the north. One night a fearful storm raged over that district. The Little stream or burn that meandered under the verdict was turned into a raging mad torrent.

A young Highland shepherd laddie sheltered his sheep as best he could for the night. In the morning, long before dawn, he set out to see how they had fared. As he made his way up to the hillside, he noticed to his horror that the central column had gone, and that the bridge was broken. He knew that the mail train was due, and that if not warned, she would be dashed to pieces and many lives lost. He looked at the raging torrent. He wondered if he could get across. The thought of the danger of so many urged him on. He plunged in, and made his way to the other side. He was battered and sore, and breathless and bleeding when he got to the other side. He made his way up as best he could, wondering if he could be in time. As soon as he reached the rails he heard the “pound, pound” of the mighty engine.

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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Steve Jobs Finally Arrives His Long Home

Life Indeed is a Journey that will always end someday with or without the journeyer notice and so was it for the man being mourned today by the world for his advancement and contribution to technology and innovations.

Steve Jobs started his journey from earth on February 24, 1955, and as a Child growing up, He didn't have much of the privileges some other children had, he was up for adoption and was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs who raised him up, He was a college dropout and went through some rough times before co founding Apple Inc. On August 24, 2011, Jobs announced his resignation from his role as Apple's CEO as a result of His Health problems since 2004 haven been suffering from cancerous tumor in his pancreas. On October 5, 2011, Apple announced that Jobs had died. He was 56 years old. And so was His Journey from earth ended at such a little space of time that just seem like a shadow. Goodbye Steve Jobs.

Being A Buddhist for several years who knows if he eventually found the True Way to eternal Life while on His Journey from earth, Who knows if he made peace with GOD before his death, who knows if he met the LORD JESUS CHRIST (The Way) on his way through this journey. And who knows where he has ended up eternally. Closing his eyes here on earth to open it again in his long home who knows if it is in Heaven or in hell.

Dear Friend, Like Steve Jobs with all his wealth and knowledge your own Journey from Earth would end sooner or later. and when that is done where would be your Long Home? where will you spend your eternity. will it be Heaven or Hell. Think Twice about Your Life On Earth as each tick of the clock draws you closer to the D Day.

Do You know the Way? if Not You can find it By Clicking Here
GOD Bless.
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Monday, September 26, 2011

Man's Questions?? !! God's Answers

ANSWER: Every one of us shall give account of himself to God. (Romans 14 : 12).

"All things are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do." (Hebrews 4 : 13).

"The scripture hath concluded all under sin" (Galatians 3 : 22).
"All have sinned" (Romans 3 : 23).

"The soul that sinneth, it shall die (Ezekiel 18 : 4),
"For the wages of sin is death" (Romans 6 : 23).

"The LORD is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance" (2 Peter 3 : 9).

"Believe on the LORD JESUS CHRIST and thou shalt be saved" (Acts 16 : 31).

"Now is the accepted Time; behold, now is the day of Salvation" (2 Corinthians 6 : 2).

"Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out" (John 6 : 37).


Your Answer...

Your Answer...

Come, Ye Blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: Matthew 25:34
Depart from Me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: Matthew 25:41

You Answer That.

Thanks For Reading
GOD Bless
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The King Of Terrors. By Hector Alves

We were Traveling home one beautiful Sunday evening on the suburban train; the coaches were filled and many were standing in the aisles. Above the noise of the train was heard the chatter and the laughter of the giddy crowd, young and old. Some had spent the day in sport; they had their picnic baskets, their ball and bat, and other evidences of the day spent in Pleasure. Some were returning home from the theater and other places of amusement, and all were talking and laughing over the amusement they had indulged in during the day that is called " The Lord's Day."

We were returning from a Gospel meeting, a very solemn meeting, at which two servants of the Lord had been preaching on the subject of sin, and warning their listeners to "flee from the wrath to come" and to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ for the salvation of their souls. Noticing the indifference of the people on our train in regards to these eternal things and, realizing our responsibility towards them at such a time, my companion said to me, "Let us give these pleasure-loving people a gospel tract." So we went through the Train, handing each passenger a little gospel paper. we were not very well received; the people did not want their fun and amusement interrupted in such a manner. Many refused to accept the tract from us; some, when they saw what they were threw them on the floor; others simply tore up the silent messengers. So we felt disappointment at the general reception of the Word of God.

Our Train had traveled about five or six miles when it suddenly came to a stop. The conductor informed us that we would all have to leave the train, walk across a long trestle just ahead, and that we would find a train waiting for us at the other end to take us on our journey.

We were told that the train ahead of ours had struck and run over a man who
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Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Psalm and the Shepherd

Some years ago, at a drawing-room function, one of England's leading actors was asked to recite for the pleasure of his fellow guests. He consented and asked if there was anything special that his audience would like to hear. After a moment's pause, an aged clergyman present rose and said, "could you, Sir, recite to us the Twenty-third Psalm?"

A strange look passed over the great actor's face. He paused for a moment, and then said, "I can, and i will upon one condition, and that is that after i have recited it, you, my friend, will do the same."

Impressively, the great actor began the Psalm, His voice and intonation were perfect. He held the audience spellbound, and, as he finished, a great burst of applause broke from the guests. Then, as it died away, the aged clergyman arose and began to recite. His voice was not remarkable; his intonation was not faultless. When he had finished, no sound of applause broke the silence, but
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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Prepare To Meet Your GOD! A Divine 23 Hours Journey Into Eternity By Angelica Zambrano

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Prepare to meet your God, 23 Horas Muerta
Prepare to meet your God!
The Kingdoms of Heaven & Hell,
and the Return of CHRIST
by Angelica Zambrano
aka.23 Horas Muertra

For a period of 23 hours, a young Ecuadorian girl named Angelica was shown the Kingdoms of Heaven and Hell, and the Return of Christ. She witnessed Jesus weeping as He overlooked multitudes of souls lost forever, a world that has rejected Him, a Church that is mostly unprepared for Him, a people that have stopped witnessing to the lost, and an entertainment industry that even lures children to satan. She witnessed many of our esteemed cultural icons suffering in the Pit; singers, entertainers, and even a pope. Angelica was also shown how the Kingdom of Heaven is all wonderfully prepared and ready, an unimaginable glorious place, where no evil exists. Though Jesus is ONLY coming back for a Holy People, and many of God's children will NOT be ready on that day, and will be left behind in a world that will fall apart.

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Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Most Interesting Story Ever Heard By Bob Jones

The Most interesting story i ever heard was told me years ago by a man over eighty years of age. We were sitting together on a projecting rock of a mountainside in Arkansas. Here is the story.

"I was down in this country during the civil war. Across on the other side yonder there were hundreds of tents where soldiers were encamped. Measles broke out and many of the brave lads died. The epidemic got so bad we stretched some tents farther down the valley and moved all the measles patients into these tents. This of course, was done to protect as far as possible the health of the well soldiers. I was wardmaster in charge of the tents where the measles patients were located.

"One night while i was on the ward I passed a bunk where there was a very sick soldier lad not more than seventeen years of age. The boy looked at me with a pathetic expression and said, 'Wardmaster, I believed I am going to die. I am not a Christian. My Mother isn't a Christian. My Father isn't a Christian. I never had any Christian training. I never did attend Church. I did go with a boy friend to Sunday School just once. A woman taught the Sunday School class. She seemed to be such a good woman. She read us something out of the Bible about a man - I think His name was Nicodemus. Anyway, it was about a man who went to see JESUS one night. JESUS told this man he must be Born Again. The Teacher said all people must be Born Again in order to go to HEAVEN when they die. I have never been born again, and I don't want to die like this. Won't you please get the Chaplain so he can tell me how to be Born Again?"

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Monday, April 4, 2011

Asleep To Danger - Story By F. G. Watson

A number of Years ago, a freight train was standing at a station in Northern Ontario, waiting for orders to proceed north. The conductor was in the station getting order; the forward crew was in the cab of the engine; and the rear brakeman was sitting in the caboose at the rear. They knew another freight train was following close behind, and knew the semaphore was down to protect them.

The Rear brakeman heard the oncoming train and expected every moment to hear it slow down, but there was no slackening of speed. At last he realized something must be wrong, so grabbing his lantern, he rushed out on to the rear platform to see the train coming right under the semaphore. He ran down the track, waving his lantern to attract the attention of the engineer, but at last had to step aside to avoid being killed. As the engine passed, he threw his lantern through the window. This was the first thing to arouse the engineer whom he had seen nodding as the engine approached him. But ere the engineer could stop or jump,
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Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Saint Gone Home After A Long Uneasy Journey From Earth.

It Was a Journey that started several years ago, a journey with so many experiences, joy and sadness, struggles and battles, rising and falling and victory, a journey which came to an end on Sunday the 20th of March 2011.

I was still at the Church when i was told a saddening news of the death of a beloved Christian brother, father and a darling of mine who has been a great lover of GOD and GOD's people since the 70's. The news of his death was so painful to me as he was a close brother and friend to me and i did see him so healthy at the previous Church service.

At the end of the service i hurried with a brother to his house which is just a little distance from mine only to find
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Saturday, January 1, 2011

GoodBye 2010 - Welcome 2011 Another 365 days of Journey From Earth

Thank You Dear LORD its the end of another 365 days of Journey from Earth and a New Beginning for another 365 days of Journey from Earth,

Dear Reader, Today Saturday the 1st of January 2011 Marks the 2nd Year of This Blog which creation was inspired by an inspiring revelation i came across which i shared on my First Post which can still be found here. Its a Clear fact that Today marks a great day in our Lives as we go about counting our Blessings through the year 2010 while planning for the successes we hope for in 2011.
But While doing this we still need to bear in mind that there are thousands if not millions of people who wished they could see this day with us but unfortunately they are not here today with us, all about them is now history. They came to this world on a Transit like everyone of us but they had to move on with their Journey of Life and have settled down at their destinations.

Friend, The fact remains that not everyone who saw the end of 2010 and entered into the year 2011 will live through it to the end of the year, as time passes on us so are we getting closer to the day of Our departure from this transit camp called earth. and on a daily basis people will keep moving on leaving loved ones and well wishers behind reminding us that the Journey is actually a personal one that we all must go through individually.

I could still remember some wonderful people i knew who passed on in 2010, but one still struck my mind about a Christian Sister and Family Friend who

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